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CIO Excellence Award Winners

The CIO Excellence Award is presented by the CIO to acknowledge and celebrate the exceptional work of the OSU IT community within both central and distributed IT.

Check out last year's winners!

Clarissa Amundsen (second from left) poses with Andrea Ballinger, Kristina Case, and Amy McLaughlin.
Clarissa Amundsen

Program Coordinator, Academic Technologies (UIT)

Tim Gonzalez (second from left) with Max Cohen, Kirsten Petersen and Andrea Ballinger
Tim Gonzalez

Student Employee, Service Desk (UIT)

Kush Goyal (center) with his father, Dr. Eleanor Feingold, Provost Ed Feser, Jon Boeckenstedt, David McMorries, Andrea Ballinger and Marjorie McLagan.
Kush Goyal

Incoming OSU First-Year

Carolyn Rothwell, middle, with Sam Williams and Andrea Ballinger
Carolyn Rothwell

Organizational Change Management Manager, UIT

Leanne Lai, second from left, with Chris Thompson, Andrea Ballinger and Wade Marcum
Leanne Lai

Sr Dept Computer Administrator, College of Engineering

Kent Kuo (middle) with Andrea Ballinger and Amy McLaughlin.
Kent Kuo

Director of Administrative Technologies, UIT

Illustration of buildings that represents what is on the physical coin.
Dion Baird

Director of Technical Architecture Infrastructure, UIT

Vrushali Bokil with Andrea Ballinger, Dr. Eleanor Feingold and Provost Ed Feser
Vrushali Bokil

Associate Dean for the Dept of Mathematics, College of Science / AI@OSU Advisory Group Chair

Sam Williams, center, with Andrea Ballinger and Provost Ed Feser
Sam Williams

Executive Director of Business Architecture, UIT / AI@OSU Coordinating Team Chair